Week 8, The end(Screen)

Hello and goodbye!
This will be the last update for this project!

A lot of polishing has been done, but we have also tested our way through the game and everything surrounding it. Working with the navigation through the menu, tweaking and other small details that we think make our game, a better game!
While everything felt solid, we were still missing a proper function for highscore.
We were not happy with the current one. We did not only redo it because it was bad, but because we had to cut parts of the game to make it in time.
These are things that you have to expect, even if the things cut were some of our favorite parts. With both the function redone, and the navigation through the menus revisited, we did lack a proper highscore state screen.

With this short little explanation i wanted to begin my post. This will not be a post focused on game design, both rather i will leave you with a thought about developing a game.
The artifact i will present to you this week, is not an artifact that i am proud of, nor is it an artifact that have been carefully thought out and designed properly.

Today’s artifact is this: ALLwithspikes

It is a simple board made to display  a highscore list in our game. It is not drawn by hand, but a compilation of assets from previous functions. And this is what i want you, the reader, to bring with you from my post. This is a work done in the last minute for a final product. But assets could be used for so much more. It could be used to try different setups, build new environments, or even change something existing to the better.
By dividing everything into smaller pieces, you get so much more freedom when it comes to changes or creating new things that fit into the game. And the time you could save is nothing to take for granted!

Im going to take you through all the steps and explain the initial function of the things i used to create this.

First i took our menu and scaled it:
I then added an asset we use for text and scaled it up. ( Not buttons).

I then added a drop shadow under the parchment.
After that, i used the same asset we use for buttons, as a banner.

And to that banner i added shadow as well.
I then added a font that you find in the rest of the game.

And at last, added two spikes, to give it a bit more feel.
This gives us the finished product!
In just a few steps, something new was created with assets!

2 reaktioner till “Week 8, The end(Screen)

  1. Good evening, Oskar.

    This is a rather concrete, if rather flowery post you’ve written here.

    I have two main issues with your post. One, why are you bolding like you do? Bolding words is meant to emphasise them, but I see no purpose in what bolding there is. You seem to have bolded random words. It feels unstructured to me. Two, the tone of your text. It’s… a little condescending. You’ve come to a realisation, and a good one at that, and now you feel compelled to share that realisation with whomever reads your post. A good thing indeed! However, the way you present that message does make me cringe a bit. You seem to get carried away with your flowery language, and it gives me the impression that you feel that this realisation is profound, and you just have to tell the world about this amazing discovery. Tone that down a bit, will you? It makes you sound like a bit of a condescending prick, and that’s not fun for anyone.

    Mind you, I’ve been in a presistent bad mood for over a week now, which may be affecting my perceptions a bit at the moment. Also probably the reason why I can’t seem to focus on anything but the bad stuff at present. Sorry about that. 😦

    As a last point, I just need to go on my customary language policing rant. You wrote ‘both’, rather than ‘but’, and you keep forgetting to capitalise your I:s. It’s nails, not spikes. You seem to have some issues with idiomatic expressions. By that, I mean your phrasing oftentimes makes it abundantly clear that you are not a native english speaker, which becomes most apparent during your more flowery spiels. (which might be a big part of why they sound so condescending) That can take some time to amend. I suggest reading more. That’s pretty much the most effective way to improve your language skills there is. Doesn’t help your pronounciation much, but this is about text, isn’t it?

    In the end, regardless of my gripes, you describe what you have done this week in a thorough and distinct fashion. You describe what you have worked on and what methods you’ve used. It’s both comprehensive and educational. All in all, it is not actually a bad post, and I doubt I would have much of any problems with it, were it not for my fixation on proper language.

    //Tove G Hende, group 12


  2. Hey Oskar, this week you will have the (dis)pleasure of having me, Bea, comment on your post. Yay!

    Starting off I would like to shine the proverbial spotlight on the excellent point you make in your post regarding the creative use of minor assets. It is something that I personally had never even given the slightest thought in the past but during this project, in part due to it being mentioned during lectures and in part due to personal experience, I have found myself understanding how important it can be. As you yourself mention it has allowed you to save time and be able to create necessary assets that had been overlooked. Basically it is a life saver that I wish I had kept in mind during the past few weeks and I am fairly certain I am not the only one. Good on you for doing what I failed to do.

    Regarding your actual asset I mostly agree with you, it is not really anything special, but it serves its purpose quite well. I reckon that is enough.

    On to the post itself:

    -As previously mentioned I think the content is pretty damn good.

    -I like the fact that you show your progress more or less step by step as it makes it easier to follow your process.

    -Gramatically speaking your post is not perfect. Your use of bold text, the all too liberal use of commas and the failure to capitalise is not entirely… correct. However I find that you write as if you were simply putting your thoughts into writing, which, while not gramatically sound, makes for a more interesting read in this case. At least I think so.

    That is all,
    Bea out!


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