Week 4 and 5, Security systems online

Hello again! Due to sickness and a full schedual outside of the production phase i´ve decided to incorperate these two weeks with each other. With the level boxed out and the core mechanics in place we needed to create some conflict. So a threat is added in the form of a security system. When trying […]

Läs mer Week 4 and 5, Security systems online

Week 2, Establishing the art style

Hello again! This week we´ve been establishing the art style of the game. Previous week we translated the concept into actual design for the game, breaking down our intended aesthetic goals to fail and sucess states that can guide us when creating the tuning the mechanics. The mechanics have a major impact on the art […]

Läs mer Week 2, Establishing the art style

Week 1, Design

Hello everyone!   We are just about to start production on our game. But firstly, we needed to break down the concept. The game is a 3D puzzle adventure game with horror atmosphere where you’re able to switch dimensions to solve the challenges ahead. The concept was too vague for us to start working on […]

Läs mer Week 1, Design